Open since the 1960s, this full-service barbershop is located in a professional epicenter and has been well maintained and expanded beyond the typical male only clientele. Gross receipts have shown no fluctuation over the past 5 years even as the owner has recently stepped away from the business, currently working only about 2 and half days per week.An adjacent space, included in the property sale or available for rent, gives great possibility for salon expansion with very little remodeling necessary. This space could be used for tanning beds or a separate full service salon, increasing female clientele beyond the current 20%. Due to the building layout this space could even be branded separately! Additional expansion opportunities include expanding the 8-hour workday and doing business on weekends!This great location achieved car counts of 9900/day in 2010 and is adjacent to an intersection with 17300 and 35800 respectively, which gives a great opportunity to pick up new clients!
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