In business for over 60 years, this northern Indiana appliance store has developed a reputation as the premier provider of quality, dependable service and offering high-end brands, unavailable through any other small, medium or big box store for this part of the state. The deal structure will be an asset sale or stock purchase of the business. The seller owns 100% of the shares of the corporate and includes all furniture, fixtures, equipment, vehicles and inventory. Prospective buyers have the option to purchase the attached building in which the business currently operates. The asking price for the business is $3.5 million with the possibility of the seller holding a note for the right buyer. Real Estate may be purchased, in a separate transaction, for $2.2 million, which includes a total of over 20,000 square feet divided between the show room, office space, warehouse, and an upstairs apartment unit. Building property may be leased for $19,471.33 per month ($16 per square foot between the showroom and the office space, and $4 per square foot for the warehouse) with the signing of a 5 year lease, triple net lease. The business is operated by the owner with a staff of 18 employees which consist of installers, service techs, sales reps etc. This high end seasoned business represents an ideal situation for a seasoned business owner or an existing competitor, acquiring the store located in the lucrative Lake and Porter County Indiana market. This business has won countless awards for their offerings and service. The growth potential for this business is extremely high. Only 30 miles from the heart of Chicago and right across the border from the growing south suburbs, this business is poised to grow to uncharted heights with the right owner to push the envelope and reach into these untapped markets.The reason for the sales is the owners’ desire to retire.
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