This business is a restaurant and market.The business was started in 1985 and is therefore very well-known in the area. They have developed an excellent reputation for offering generous portions of good quality foods. The restaurant serves breakfast and lunch. Many customers come in at lunch to enjoy their overstuffed subs. There is seating for 25 and can be expanded if a new owner wanted to expand the seating. The business sells grocery/convenience items and carries a full selection of quality deli and meat items. They set themselves apart from the chain grocery stores by offering top quality meats. The business offers these same products in the restaurant to make sure only top quality ingredients go into the meals they prepare. The sales are made up of approximately 60% restaurant and prepared meals; 40 meat and groceries. The business has excellent books and records making it easier for a buyer to verify the sales and expenses of the business. There is potential growth by expanding the catering part of the business with some advertising and promotion. For more information, please contact John Coto, Certified Business Intermediary at 603-880-8200.
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