This full service car wash gives the best service in town! Their reputation for excellence is well known in Northeast Ohio. It was established at its present location in 1956. The current owner(s) has been here since 1988. If you’ve lived in Northeast Ohio for any number of years, you have undoubtedly been here many times. It has a reputation for being a premier car wash, combining state of the art equipment, full service interior cleaning, and exterior towel drying and polishing. It has the capability to clean 100+ cars per hour. The car wash is located on a lot that has 9240 square feet, with a 50 foot frontage. The car wash itself occupies 4946 square feet and is leased by the owner for $6,500.00 per month. It is located near a shopping district, densely populated residential area, and near the intersection of two major thoroughfares.The whole area surrounding this car wash has been redeveloped in the past four years. A large new shopping center with both retail and restaurants has been built and there are also new condominiums. It is already located in a densely populated area.
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