Never before has there been a better time to BE YOUR OWN BOSS in the multi-billion dollar automotive service industry. Over the past seven years, this well established six bay auto center has exceeded the national sales average for this nationally recognized franchise brand by 33%. Total car care services include brakes, oil changes, exhaust, scheduled maintenance, tires, steering and suspension services. Established highly profitable operations already have the equipment, inventory and long time experienced employees in place. Located in one of the major commercial hubs of the Springfield Metro Area, this business offers a Buyer a unique opportunity to control your own destiny and realize your dreams of owning a respected business in the community. This prime location is characterized by growing retail development, excellent visibility, traffic counts of 40,000 cars/day and limited auto service competition. The business serves a diverse clientele that includes a huge student, faculty and staff population at nearby University of Massachusetts – Amherst (28,000+), Amherst College (2,000), Hampshire College (1,600), and Mount Holyoke College (2,450).The national franchise benefits from a high 95+% brand awareness, exceptional advertising and 50+ years of experience in providing training and support systems to franchisees that are geared towards business success. The Business achieved gross sales of $678,900 in 2013, generating $138,000 in cash flow that is available for Owner/Operator compensation and debt service. The Seller will consider a package deal that includes the real estate.
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