Eric Mendelsohn @ Transworld Business Advisors of NY
Phone: 516-840-3516
Eric Mendelsohn
Account Status:Active
Phone Number:516-840-3516
City:New York
Country:United States
No. of Listings:0
Business Name:Eric Mendelsohn @ Transworld Business Advisors of NY
Business Phone #:516-840-3516
Member Since:28/08/2019
About Business:
A native New Yorker, Eric understands the importance of working with an agent whose negotiating expertise and thoughtfulness puts his clients at an advantage during every step of negotiations. Eric’s success can be attributed to his honesty, reliability, and ability to connect on a deep level with his client’s needs. Eric had a seamless transition to small business advisory with over 300 successfully closed sales and rentals within Residential Real Estate.. Eric holds a BA in Marketing from the University of Wisconsin and an MBA from Emory University.